Anita Howe's Gaited Horsemanship

Training Programs for all Gaited Horses:
Anita has experience training TWH, MFT, SSH, RMH, KMH, PER, and ICE using classical, released-based training to help horses rebalance and athletically engage their own Authentic Gait with willing compliance; then independently carry that gait!
Always Personal Service!
You can be assured that your horse will be trained and handled by Anita Howe personally ... all training will be directly by her (exceptions only in very limited or unusual circumstances under her direct and constant supervision). We keep our operations small to manage and oversee all aspects of your horse’s care and learning. We do not bring your horse into our program simply to collect fees while subordinates exercise or work your horse. Our goals are to empower your horse to self-carry their own natural gaits not just for your benefit but for that of your horse throughout his life.
Gait Training is 5 hours per week, at a cost of $600 per month, PLUS monthly board of $300: Total Monthly board + training=$900 (partial month's training may be prorated).
Private Lessons for gait evaluation and improvement (included with monthly training): $50 per hour on weekdays and $75 per hour on weekends... with advanced scheduling (this can apply for up to 3 riders & horses at a minimum of 1 hour per horse: i.e. 3 horses for at least 3 hours). More than 3 horses or 3 consecutive hours are subject to clinic rates of $350 for half day and $700 whole day clinic .
See details on my clinic page.
Gait Correction Guarantee Program
Unprecedented - no other trainer is so willing to stand behind their reputation:
No gimmicks... I use natural horsemanship and release-based exercises and stand behind my success in curing the pace or trot in your gaited horse:
*Give me 90 days of barefoot or keg shod training, and I promise to help your horse find his authentic 4-beat gait within his own balanced, self-carriage using no mechanical influences, OR I will refund your training fees and you pay only for board .
*Requires a commitment of 90 days of training.
Requirements for the Gait-Guarantee Program:
Must be barefoot or keg shod all around only (barefoot preferred) with toes no longer than 4 1/2 inches.
Must be totally sound, in good flesh and ready to enter training (health certificate appreciated)
Must be "willing" to carry a rider with no disruptive behavior issues ... (no rank or green horses in this program please). Discuss with me about any issues and we may be able to approve your horse with an additional month to correct.
Must have had a performance dental float within the current year.
No horses younger than 4 years old
Stallions accepted only with advanced scheduling... we have limited facilities for stallion board.
Your horse will be trained in a snaffle bit and if you so desire may be transitioned to a gentle curb before leaving.
***We stress the importance of owner's participation. To facilitate learning right along with their horse we strongly encourage owners to drop in any time, and to schedule coaching sessions (at no added cost) during their horse's training to learn and understand how he's being trained and how to continue his success when he leaves.
**Registered gaited horses accepted, many grade or partial-bred gaited horses can qualify upon evaluation for acceptance in THIS program.
Natural Gait Correction Program:
We are happy to work on any additional gait or behavior issues as discussed and agreed to with the owners for horses who do not qualify for the above guarantee program. It is important that owners are upfront about behavior issues at the signing of the training contract.
Optional Areas of Natural and Classical Training:
Canter: establish or improve a balanced and correct canter
Trailer loading and ground manners
Versatility obstacle training
Side pass for Mount up
Rate and Gait transitions for show ring training
Round pen hookup for behavior correction
References readily provided on request...
We train horses using the natural horsemanship and "The Four R's : Request, Response, Release and Repetition."
PLEASE NOTE: Because I accept a very limited number of horses here for training, it is not unusual for me to be booked several months in advance, so plan ahead and contact me to reserve space for your horse. For complete details please review my TRAINING CONTRACT.
Released-Based, Natural Gait Training
Anita Howe